Homeschool Information Day

The Overberg Homeschool Support Group hosted their third annual homeschool info day for new and prospective homeschoolers on Saturday, 13 February 2016 at Shofar at Bosko Church,  Hermanus.


info1Experienced home educating parents from Hermanus provided information about homeschooling for parents who were considering this as an option for their children, as well as for parents who are already homeschooling their families.

Shirley Erwee and Estelle Schuurman hosted an informal discussion about home education with anecdotes from their experiences with their own children. They highlighted some of the Do’s and Don’ts of starting homeschooling. Shirley also briefly outline the options for homeschoolers to obtain a recognised school leaving certificate. A question and answer session followed.

info6After the information session, there were various curriculum materials on display so that parents could browse and flip through the pages of products they might be interested in using and hear about some of the choices available and their strengths and weaknesses for different personalities and situations.





Homeschool Info Day 2015

The Overberg Homeschool Support group hosted a homeschool information day and curriculum viewing opportunity, at Amana Conference Centre in Vermont, for parents new-to or considering home education their families on Saturday 24 January 2015.

(Click on the thumbnails of the images to view full size.)

Karin-Sonja-Lunel Nic-and-co Shirley-and-Zikhona

LieselIt was the second time that an event like this was held and it was very well attended.

Fourteen homeschooling parents set up display tables with various homeschool curriculum products on display for others to browse, while they chatted and found answers to their questions from parents who are already educating their children at home.


BrendaDSCF0253 Leigh



MelanieVictor-and-NicAfter time to Lucymingle informally, a formal presentation was given consisting of 4 short talks by experienced home educators:

EstelleBouwe van der Eems, a homeschooling father of 5,  committee member of Cape Home Educators (CHE) and a member of the CHE Steering Committee currently engaging with the Department of Education in talks about a new policy on home education, spoke about reasons that homeschooling is a responsible choice. He publishes useful homeschool information at and

Shirley Erwee, a mother of 6, curriculum provider and author of various homeschooling books, gave useful tips for starting homeschooling.

Info-DayDebby Engelbrecht, a mother of 5, remedial therapist and homeschool assessment test provider spoke on the importance of customising each child’s education to suit their needs and shared some of her family’s experiences with unschooling.

Janice Andersen, a mom of three has two homeschooled graduates currently at university and one in grade 12 . She spoke about their approach to finishing high school  and and shared how they obtained recognised matric certificates to facilitate further studies.

The floor was opened for questions  and answers and the panel as well as other parents attempted to answer questions of new parents, concering issues such as time management, mom’s time for herself, socialisation, stimulating preschoolers, sport opportunities etc.

AnneliseAbout 50 people from all over the Overberg and as far as Riversdale and Cape Town attended the information day, which was been held for the second time.

It will probably be a regular annual event as there seems to be a need for such an opportunity for parents to learn more about homeschooling from those who are doing it first hand.



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