Monthly Archives: July 2013

Tin Shark Building

Our guys in charge estimate that the tin shark is about one third of its size so far.

This means that we need to collect a lot more tin cans and we’ll have to have a few more building sessions before this project is completed.

We would appreciate as much support and assistance as possible so that we can get it done as soon as possible.

Pics of the progress follow:



Strings of cans, waiting to be tied into the shark


The tail end of the shark under construction.



Can Craze Competition

Today we started preparations for entering the Can Craze Competition.

We have to build something out of 300 or more tin cans.

Click here to see the 2012 winners >>>

Below are some of the images that have inspired us.

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Our plan is to build a shark, since we are part of a shark conservation research project this year.

This morning a bunch of us got together, discussed how we plan to physically create the shark and got the kids to wash and colour-code all the tin cans. We have about 670 cans so far.

can4 can3

can2  can1

We plan to meet next Wednesday, 10 July at 10h00 at Shirley’s house to continue with the project.

The idea is to start punching holes in the cans and stringing them onto wire that will be shaped and joined to make our giant shark.

Everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun. We need lots of hands to get this job done!

Pottery Lesson

Pottery LessonOn Friday, 28 June Debbie L. arranged for a group of children to have a pottery lesson with a lady who lives in her neighbourhood.

Lois is an experienced teacher and grandmother, who has a heart for helping the underprivileged. She is currently trying to set up a pottery project to equip unskilled ladies in Zwelihle. She really has a heart for mothers and wants the ladies with children under 3 to bring their little ones with them.

Pottery LessonShe thinks homeschooling is a wonderful choice and is openly supportive and interested in how it works.

She has taught pottery classes to children in various schools before in Gauteng and was very well prepared to handle our lively group of little ones, ranging in age from 2-9.

In no time at all she had them rolling out clay, rolling balls and pressing beads in to decorate it. We, moms, watched with fascination as the pottery revealed different aspects of each child’s character and skills

Even though they all had to follow the same directions, the end result of each piece of work was unique.

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